Enumeration CryptoEvent

Enumeration Members

DeviceVerificationChanged: "deviceVerificationChanged"
DevicesUpdated: "crypto.devicesUpdated"
KeyBackupDecryptionKeyCached: "crypto.keyBackupDecryptionKeyCached"

Fires when a new valid backup decryption key is in cache. This will happen when a secret is received from another session, from secret storage, or when a new backup is created from this session.

The payload is the version of the backup for which we have the key for.

This event is only fired by the rust crypto backend.

KeyBackupFailed: "crypto.keyBackupFailed"
KeyBackupSessionsRemaining: "crypto.keyBackupSessionsRemaining"
KeyBackupStatus: "crypto.keyBackupStatus"
KeySignatureUploadFailure: "crypto.keySignatureUploadFailure"
KeysChanged: "crossSigning.keysChanged"
LegacyCryptoStoreMigrationProgress: "crypto.legacyCryptoStoreMigrationProgress"

Fires when data is being migrated from legacy crypto to rust crypto.

The payload is a pair (progress, total), where progress is the number of steps completed so far, and total is the total number of steps. When migration is complete, a final instance of the event is emitted, with progress === total === -1.

RoomKeyRequest: "crypto.roomKeyRequest"
RoomKeyRequestCancellation: "crypto.roomKeyRequestCancellation"
UserCrossSigningUpdated: "userCrossSigningUpdated"
UserTrustStatusChanged: "userTrustStatusChanged"
VerificationRequest: "crypto.verification.request"


Use VerificationRequestReceived.

VerificationRequestReceived: "crypto.verificationRequestReceived"

Fires when a key verification request is received.

The payload is a Crypto.VerificationRequest.

Warning: "crypto.warning"
WillUpdateDevices: "crypto.willUpdateDevices"