Typed Event Emitter class which can act as a Base Model for all our model and communication events. This makes it much easier for us to distinguish between events, as we now need to properly type this, so that our events are not stringly-based and prone to silly typos.

Type parameters:

  • Events - List of all events emitted by this TypedEventEmitter. Normally an enum type.
  • Arguments - A ListenerMap type providing mappings from event names to listener types.
  • SuperclassArguments - TODO: not really sure. Alternative listener mappings, I think? But only honoured for .emit?

Hierarchy (view full)



_isFetchingResponses: boolean = false
endEvent: undefined | MatrixEvent
matrixClient: MatrixClient
pollEvent: PollStartEvent
relationsNextBatch: undefined | string
responses: null | Relations = null
room: Room
roomId: string
rootEvent: MatrixEvent
undecryptableRelationEventIds: Set<string> = ...

Keep track of undecryptable relations As incomplete result sets affect poll results



  • Only responses made before the poll ended are valid Refilter after an end event is recieved To ensure responses are valid

    Returns void